the lioness experience


what’s the lioness experience like?

We see the women of Uganda playing essential roles in their communities and want to encourage the growth of their roles by providing new opportunities to empower them and their ambitions. Much like the role of a Lioness, we want the women of Uganda to be able to provide for themselves and their young, come together with other lionesses to support and protect each other, and take pride in what they do. We, at Lioness Heart Foundation, are working to restore independence and confidence in the women of Uganda by teaching them technical skills and trades that they can turn into careers and businesses, fostering sisterhood and self-sufficiency.


  • Learn in-demand technical skills and trades, such as welding, carpentry, and drafting

  • Take charge of their futures by learning basic automotive skills, financial management, and home maintenance tasks traditionally performed by men in many Ugandan households 

  • Learn skills that enhance self-sufficiency and improve their local community, such as farming, gardening, craft-making, and more

  • Grow their sense of empowerment through employment or entrepreneurship training, as well as mentorship from the volunteers

  • As they complete their training, Lionesses enjoy camaraderie in cohorts or “Pride” where they learn from and support one another

  • Expand their roles within the communities by taking pride in what they do and what they can offer others

  • Preparing future generations for innovative thinking and the belief in gender equality

The first Lioness Heart Foundation training classes start in 2021. If you want to join the Lioness Pride of strong, hopeful women who are taking charge of their lives, please send our founder, David, an email.

Lionesses will learn technical skills to find employment or start a business to earn money.

Lionesses will learn technical skills to find employment or start a business to earn money.

When they start earning an income, Lionesses are independent and can make their own choices in life.

When they start earning an income, Lionesses are independent and can make their own choices in life.