David Katende Founder


David grew up in a family that always took care of people. His father was a public servant, serving communities through education. His father humbly helped many people who had been through some difficult things, including many single mothers and women who had lost their husbands.

David was born and raised in Uganda, East Africa. That’s where he got his education from kindergarten all the way through college. He grew up in a very close extended family where everyone was considered a brother or sister. When you’re an older brother in Uganda, you have a responsibility to watch over your younger siblings. Seeing his sisters grow up, he began to understand that there were certain opportunities girls couldn’t or wouldn’t access for many reasons. Witnessing this first-hand, David passionately fought for his sisters’ equality and developed a passion for helping girls and women access equal opportunities.

As he got older, David got more involved with his father’s work of creating schools where he provided education to many children within the community. Many of those children came from families where the father had died from illnesses or war, leaving the children with a mother who had no options or opportunities.

David then moved to the United States in the year 2000 to pursue higher education. He studied architectural and engineering design and graduated with an associate’s degree in 2009. The following year, he joined the Maine Army National Guard, where he gained skills as a fire control repairer. He served in the National Guard while going to school at the University of Southern Maine where he pursued a bachelor’s degree in technology management. While working, studying, and serving in Maine, he also became very involved in the community. He mentored young boys and girls to make sure they stayed in school and he volunteered as a soccer coach.

Wherever he is, whatever he’s doing, he enjoys seeing others doing well. He believes laughter is therapy, and he’ll always find a way to make people smile.

Amy Katende is a mother of four who resides in Lisbon, ME, USA. She is a registered nurse at a local Maine hospital. Her life’s vision is to see other women set free from poverty and oppression. With her husband, David, she has launched this foundation that will change communities and the lives of women in Uganda.

Team Amy Katende

Mariah Bintliff, Visual Designer & Storyteller

Mariah bintliff

Mariah is a Visual Designer & Storyteller whose role consists of reaching Lioness Heart Foundation’s community through engaging storytelling, content creation, and graphic design. Her mission in life is to foster a community that’s founded on compassion, creativity, and curiosity. She is an avid learner who is always looking to grow and create meaningful and memorable experiences for those she serves. 

One of Mariah’s core beliefs is that people from diverse backgrounds and cultures can learn so much from one another when they come together. With Lioness Heart Foundation, she hopes to create opportunities for women everywhere to have equal rights and live a life they love.

Vanessa Romanoff

Vanessa has an MSEd from the University of Southern Maine with a background in international education administration, youth program development, and community-building art programming. For eight years she coordinated youth writing programs, including a program serving students whose families come to Maine seeking asylum and/or as immigrants. She is conditionally certified to teach grades 7-12 English Language Arts in Maine public schools and has worked with the state’s diverse range of students and faculty for ten years. Her graduate capstone focused on online training in the workplace and she is passionate about how technology can enhance the learning experience. A proud Maine native, published poet and co-editor, she enjoys cooking, live music, and would always rather be outdoors.


Theo phadungthin

Theo is from Portland, Maine. He travels as often as possible with a mentality that won't quit. Traveling, no matter where, will always be a staple of his life. Theo first started his life tour in the technical field as an electrical technician in an automation assembly construction field. After 4 years, he became the top automation electrician and would oversee electrical assembly and electrical engineering on the assembly floor. He later dwelled in Protection and Controls design where he would design, evaluate, and update protection schemes for utility power. All of these experiences and more have transformed Theo into a conscious and considerate engineer, teacher, and friend. He believes that in order to get through the tough obstacles of life, a person must stay connected and open-minded and see that the value of every outcome of life is determined by how well a person can use it.