the volunteer experience

volunteer in uganda

what’s the volunteer experience like?

While anyone is welcome to join our volunteer experience, we especially want to encourage veterans to join our program and cause. During the challenging transition from military to civilian life, many veterans report a loss of direction and purpose. Through the Lioness Heart Foundation, veterans will gain a new sense of purpose by using their skills and knowledge to benefit the women of Uganda, in turn, helping the entire community.

We have a diverse curriculum and the volunteer’s role can cover one or more of a wide range of academic subjects, as well as practical vocational skills. In turn, these skills improve Ugandan women’s career prospects and level of independence to support themselves and their families. Volunteers play an invaluable role in supporting their chances for a brighter future.

While we are starting with select teachings in mind, we are always open to considering new project ideas that encourage growth for the women and communities of Uganda. We also offer the flexibility for the volunteers to contribute their time and energy as they see fit by offering them various volunteer durations, teaching activities and roles within the program.


  • Improve the future prospects of abused and disadvantaged women through education and support

  • Give back by sharing their expertise and aiding the women in achieving their goals that lead to a self-sustained and prideful life

  • Find a renewed sense of purpose by teaching technical skills and trades based on their personal knowledge and experience

  • Participate in developing the infrastructures essential for the educational and self-sustaining projects such as farming, gardening, craft-making, and more

  • Support local business ventures through effective practical skills and task-management strategies

  • Provide English language skills to open up career opportunities

  • Contribute through our customized visit lengths, activities, and roles

  • Break down barriers and injustices by educating surrounding communities on gender equality

  • Raise awareness for future volunteer opportunities and projects benefitting the women of Uganda and their communities


  • Engage in an immersive experience with Ugandan people, culture, nature, and food

  • Explore opportunities for both adventure and relaxation during their stay  

  • Learn a greater understanding of, and compassion for, humanity

  • Employ leadership skills in a new environment for a powerful cause 

  • Take pride in empowering women to have a better sense of wellbeing and change their lives

  • Forge international friendships that will last a lifetime

Do you think a Lioness Heart Foundation volunteer trip might be right for you? We’re taking on volunteers for late 2021.
Reach out to our founder,
David, to learn more.

Veterans will teach the technical and trades skills that they specialize in, while the Lionesses will utilize their new learned skills to find jobs and start businesses.

Veterans will teach the technical and trades skills that they specialize in, while the Lionesses will utilize their new learned skills to find jobs and start businesses.

Volunteers will have downtime during their trips to relax or adventure in the beautiful, natural environment of Uganda.

Volunteers will have downtime during their trips to relax or adventure in the beautiful, natural environment of Uganda.