Support Us For Our Grand Opening!

We are currently accepting funding for the Lioness Heart Foundation team trip to Africa this summer to have our classroom grand opening!

We have waited a long time for this and hope that we can make significant strides toward changing the lives of Ugandan women and their families with our team in person in Uganda. With this trip, we will be opening up the school building that we've built and start with our first round of classes, ranging from engineering to sustainable entrepreneurship practices.

Any donation or sharing of our campaign is greatly appreciated and will help launch our educational program for the women of Uganda. Thank you for your support!

Please find our GoFundMe campaign using the link below or by going to our “Get Involved” page.

GoFundMe Campaign

A Generous Donation of Computers!

Today we are happy to announce that we just received a generous donation of 20 computers from Husson University’s IT Department. Thanks to them, we will be able to provide the women with computers to learn a variety of skills involved with design, communication, and business management. We will be bringing the computers with us when we go to set up the classroom in the near future (more on that in the next post!).

Thank you Husson University!

Announcing our GoFundMe campaign!

We are so happy to announce that we at Lioness Heart Foundation now have a GoFundMe campaign! Every donation works towards enriching the lives of the women of Uganda and expanding their roles within their community. Through our volunteer program, we are not only providing a sense of purpose for our veteran volunteers but also teaching the women of Uganda technical skills and trades that they can turn into careers and businesses. In turn, our program will foster sisterhood, gender equality, and self-sufficiency for generations to come.

Please visit the link below: